1. Pre-show Match: Jada Stone def. Ella Envy in a Limitless fashion
  2. Grudge Match: Conan Lycan def. Zak Patterson
  3. Special Challenge Match: Aiden Aggro (w/ J-Heru) def. Alec Price
  4. Grudge Match: Gabby Forza def. B3CCA (w/ The Shooter Boys) via DQ
  5. Swipe Right (Brad Baylor & Ricky Smokes) (w/ Miss Susannah) def. High-Flying Star Machines (Bojack & Diego Hill)
  6. Portland Street Fight: Ace Romero def. Dirty Dango (w/ Ryan Black)
  7. Aaron Rourke def. Anthony Greene
  8. Bissell Brothers Championship and Limitless Wrestling World Championship Shot Anytime, Anywhere Battle Royal match: Milo Mirra def. Hazard, Seabass Finn, Ashley Vox, Alexander Lee, J-Heru (w/ Aiden Aggro), Perry Von Vicious, Jose Zamora, Bear Bronson, Paris Van Dale, Jason Maverick, Dave Dyer, Kalvin Strange, Dusty Boy Bandit, Cousin Larry, BK Westbrook, Troy Nelson, Spike Nishimura, & LJ Cleary
  9. Limitless Wrestling World Championship: Channing Thomas (w/ Sidney Bakabella, Aiden Aggro, J-Heru, & Anthony Greene) def. Donovan Dijak to retain the Limitless Wrestling World Championship